시맨틱웹을 편리하게 적용해볼 수 있는 기반을 제공해볼 수 있는 시스템이란 생각이 든다. 탐구해 볼만한 가치가 있을듯 하다. JSPWIki 위에서 GVPOET 라는 구글가젯을 통해 RDF 데이터를 볼 수 있도록 되어있다.

This work focuses on two aspects. The first one is how to simplify the process of semantic contents creation. The second one is how human users can easily obtain some benefit from these semantic contents. In either aspect we consider that users have null or minimal knowledge about Semantic Web technologies. To leverage the former we take advantage of wikis, one of the most successful approaches in the last years. On top of JSPWiki infrastructure we have built a semantic layer, called Fortunata, to create Semantic Web applications. To deal with the latter, we have designed a collaborative Fortunata-based tool to create visualization templates for ontology elements (namely VPOET). These templates are published as semantic data, so that they can be used by HCI agents ("semantic agents"). Also, a HTTP GET/POST channel has been created. Human users can use this channel to get access to the semantic templates or query about “the most appropriated” visualization for a given user profile. This user profile contains data about the interactive impairments of the user, its interaction device, or its aesthetical preferences.

This Gadget let you render Semantic Web data. You can display your FOAF profile, your DOAP projects, etc. You just have to indicate the designID, the design provider, and the data source.


Fortunata infrastructure
                             Fortunata infrastructure

Fortunata participants

Yes... There are many participants. We have followed the "divide and conquer" method so, different roles are involved.

By the way, the role played by "Alice" can be played by a novice (a.k.a newbie)using Fotunata-VPOET Google Gadget

Posted by ukmie